President’s Message


Quality is not an act; it is a habit – Aristotle 

Texcity has always been the synonym for quality. It is indeed a great privilege and a huge honour for having been given the opportunity to serve as the President of our club for the Rotary Year 2022-23.

I am eternally grateful to all our past leaders for having led our club to great heights. The Past Presidents of our club have always been my true source of inspiration. I am stepping into this role with so much confidence simply because I am absolutely sure of receiving their support and guidance throughout the year.

After two tough years where life was more of a rollercoaster ride, things are a lot brighter and everything seems to be getting back to normal. It is indeed a huge challenge for me to keep the Texcity flag soaring high but also know for a fact that with the support from my Texcity Family and their unquenchable spirit “To Do More”, it is quite achievable. This year our District Governor Rtn. Rajmohan Nair has given us a ‘Rainbow of Opportunities’ to serve the community around us. As the saying goes “Wonderful Things Start To Happen When We Have Wonderful Thoughts”, I am looking forward to more thought provoking, creative and wonderful ideas which will drive us to interact better and do more meaningful projects this Rotary Year.

I am sure every Club and District event will provide us newer opportunities to celebrate, collaborate, serve, contribute and needless to say have ‘Loads of Fun.’

I wish to make this journey with all of you as eventful and memorable as possible.

“Seeking your Blessings and Wishes”
“Let's Imagine Rotary”
“Let our Fellowship Flourish”
“Let the society benefit”
Jai Hind!!!

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